2022 Featured Artist Jackson Bowdish

Jack is a happy and energetic little boy who LOVES ART!! All things art. He had a very rough start in life with being born at 22 weeks (18 weeks prematurely) weighing only 581 grams (just over 1 lb.) and 12 inches long. He spent the first 120 days of life in the NICU, 97 days of which were spent on the critical list. He suffered a grade 1 brain bleed on day 2 of life at which time his mother was told he may never walk, talk, or function the same as other children his age. Although Jack has had a lot of ups and downs (like 11 surgeries) art and his ability to express himself through his art has been a blessing, much like Jack himself!!

You can see more of Jack’s videos at his YouTube channel Lunchbox Productions. Support Jack by subscribing and liking his videos! You can see the beautiful drawings he did for our first annual nature themed art contest at his personal profile page Jackson Bowdish.

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