Vagus Nerve: De-Stressing Children and Adults Alike

As a practitioner and as a parent of an additional needs child, my personal life experiences affect my professional and vice versa. One most enlightening effect of having my son, who was quite sensitive to certain noises or fearful of certain states was that I had to look for a solution to ease his system […]

It is easy to assume that someone else’s life is easier.

I feel this needs to be said for myself or for those of us who struggle. It is easy to assume that someone else’s life is easier. This has been repeated to me often recently. So in my effort to be REAL and to assist and be assistance I am going to share. This morning […]

No pressure! How Using a Waterpik helped Reduce Our Family’s Stress.

Additional needs parent or not, parenting has its joys and challenges. Sometimes brushing teeth is one of those challenges, because our kids just don’t want to do it. Oral hygiene is extremely important. It not only assists with reducing halitosis but also reducing gum disease, plaque and gingivitis. Preventing these three and/or reducing them also […]

Growing Pains Are Not Just for Kids

Recently, I was meeting with another additional needs parent and we were catching up on each other’s lives. She was telling me about her life’s challenges. When I shared with her my perspective, that she was going through some growing pains it gave her a new appreciation and lighter perspective. When we think of growing […]

AHCA Wants to Cut ABA Therapy Reimbursements, This is How That Decision Will Impact You

Regulations and reimbursement is changing for those who are receiving Behavioral Analysis (otherwise known as ABA, Applied Behavioral Analysis). Please make your voice heard. Let your representative know the effects and ramifications of their proposed cutbacks on reimbursement for BA will have on you, your family and our community. Visit: United States House of Representatives […]

Embrace the simple coincidences… Synchronicities

Embrace the simple coincidences… Synchronicities Remember when you were little and your parents would remind you to say please and thank you? That is exactly what you need to do to create a fulfilling life. Sometimes the reality of having an additional needs child is overwhelming and can put you in a state of “why […]

It’s all a matter of choice

It was just before Thanksgiving and I was picking up holiday supplies at the local home improvement store. My son was with me doing this quick errand with me after school. We were approaching the checkout line and he noticed a dog. He has developed quite an aversion and apprehension of dogs. So there we […]

How to Reduce Your Stress During IEP Season

It is IEP season. And for those of us with children with additional needs this is a very stressful time. It feels to some of you that it’s time to “fight” for what your child needs. I would like to share my point of view because I was recently asked to meet with relatively new […]