Join young Ralphie Parker on his quest for the ultimate Christmas gift, as he encounters eccentric characters, challenges, and unexpected joy along the way. This beloved tale captures the spirit of the season with humor, warmth, and timeless charm that resonates with audiences of all ages.
The Naples Players is passionately driven by our mission to build community through exceptional access to the power of theatre. These performances are adapted to suit the needs of audience members who may require a more relaxed setting to view theatre. Elements and theatre rules are slightly modified to be less overwhelming and more welcoming, offering a non-judgemental space for all members of the community to view theatre.
Common Modifications:
- More consistent audio levels and reduction of jarring visual effects
- The show is sold at a limited capacity to ensure lessened crowds and audience safety
- Audience members are permitted to enter and exit the theatre as needed
- There is a designated ‘chill zone’ for audience members outside the theatre
- Resources are provided, such as social stories and sensory alert show guides
Find out more information about what to expect at these productions by looking at their common questions via Common Questions or contacting Summer Pliskow, their Director of Arts Access and Applied Theatre.
Summer Pliskow contact information: or (239) 434-7340, ext. 154.