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  • Marrylee Kandel


My Transition from Dan Marino to STARability

I went to the Dan Marino 10-Month program from August 28, 2017, to my graduation on June 28, 2018. The program I chose to do...

Wait it out!

As I write this message to you, I find that it both hurts my heart but it also warms my heart. When our children were...

The Three Legged Stool

It usually starts like this… “I was given your name and your phone number by my doctor/family member/friend to ask for advice or recommendations for...

It Takes A Village

Someone once said that it “takes a village” to raise a child. Nothing could be truer than this quote when you have a child with...

The “Pearl” Necklace

When Hannah was three years old she was getting lots of intervention; speech and language therapy, occupational therapy, physical therapy, behavioral therapy, and she was...


Every year as spring approached, I started to get a little bit nervous thinking about what activities and therapies Hannah would/should have during the summer...