2023 Featured Artist Zofia Perez

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Support individuals with additional needs as you support your local businesses

Right now the additional needs’ community is full of stress and anxiety. It’s the process not the outcome that helps alleviate stress and anxiety. That is one of the reasons we want artists to get involved and not worry if they will win one of the top prizes. With that mission in mind, we came […]

Vision and Additional Needs: The Missing Link

The fact that you are on this site means you are searching for help.  Hopefully, I can provide you with some answers. How important is it that you have your child’s vision checked? It might interest you to know that 70% of the brain utilizes vision; that is why any neurological or developmental delay can […]

How love started a company

Additional Needs, Inc. all started with one question to a friend, “Do you know of a place or an activity I can volunteer for?” The answer, “yes” started me on my additional needs journey. I started to volunteer for Art Fest Naples which benefited individuals with autism and their families that received services from Eden […]

It’s all a matter of choice

It was just before Thanksgiving and I was picking up holiday supplies at the local home improvement store. My son was with me doing this quick errand with me after school. We were approaching the checkout line and he noticed a dog. He has developed quite an aversion and apprehension of dogs. So there we […]

It Takes A Village

Someone once said that it “takes a village” to raise a child. Nothing could be truer than this quote when you have a child with additional needs! I was lucky enough when our daughter was diagnosed on the autism spectrum in 1993 that I knew ONE other person who had a child on the autism […]