Things I’ve Learned from having an Additional Needs Child that Would Benefit Anyone Article 1

There are so many things I’ve learned on this journey of having a child with additional needs, specifically, Down syndrome. These things I have learned, I often wish others would learn or at least benefit from knowing.

Take for example today. My adorable son has been greeting us every morning with “school is closed.” We eventually manage to get breakfast started and then him dressed. Today was a more difficult start to the morning. I could tell that something was amiss from his waking. I wasn’t sure if he had a restful night’s sleep and therefore he was just not wanting to get ready for the day. He wanted to be home only, having a playdate with mom.

When it came to getting dressed, he was UPSET. Getting dressed wasn’t an option for him. He was mad and frustrated and exhibited that clearly with his behavior.

After calmly addressing his behavior and verbally reflecting with him his options and choices, I left him to get dressed. He happily did so!

We headed for school. I asked him to meditate in the car. Then he had the choice of listening to his favorite chapter book we recently started or to listen to music. Book it was! Once the chapter was finished, he was ready for music.

We were in carline and he pecked my cheek with his cheerful kiss. He exited our car and walked proudly and confidently towards his assistant. As I watched, he was smiling the entire way in. Every safety patrol who he walked by and who was watching him, smiled in equal admiration. My heart filled with joy, love, admiration and gratitude for that moment, wanting to replace the earlier incident with much more positivity.

Here’s what I wish we all put into practice on a daily basis:

We ALL have moments of drama that we can choose to over dramatize in our heads or let go and allow the moment to pass. It is difficult sometimes to stop the stories we make up in our heads once something has occurred that we have difficulty processing. However, when we choose to allow the moment to pass, we allow ourselves the opportunity to embrace a more positive perspective and reality. We allow ourselves to be more present and allow others to embrace the moment with us. We allow ourselves the capacity to love and be loved.

May you choose to recognize when you are having one of those moments that keeps you in your head and choose to shift and find the unique blessings presented to you in your life, however simple they may be.

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